Research Animal Management Branch

- Joseph M. Schech, DVM, Head, Research Animal Management Branch
- Ruth A. Woodward, DVM, Deputy Animal Program Director; Facility Veterinarian, NIHAC Shared Animal Facility
- Tannia S. Clark, DVM, Facility Veterinarian, 6B Shared Animal Facility/6 Shared ZF Facility
- Daniel T. Abebe, MS, Research Technician
- Julie A. Jacobs, Facility Manager, NIHAC Shared Animal Facility
- Christopher M. Rishell, BS, Facility Manager, 6B Shared Animal Facility
- Lauren Pandolfo, MS, Aquatics Facility Manager
- Klara Post, MS, Animal Care and Use Committee Coordinator
The Research Animal Management Branch (RAMB) supports animal use research in the NICHD Division of Intramural Research.
The RAMB operates and manages the Building 6B Shared Animal Facility (SAF), Suite 6C127 of the Ambulatory Care Research Facility (ACRF) Animal Facility, and the NICHD aquatics facilities. The DIR Animal Program and NICHD Animal Care Use Committee (ACUC) have oversight over these facilities with regard to animal use as well as over NICHD animals in the Porter Neurosciences Research Center (PNRC) SAF and in the Building 10A Central Animal Facility (CAF). The RAMB has contractual oversight over an aquatic animal husbandry task that includes husbandry and research support for NIH Institutes NICHD, NHGRI, NHLBI, and NCI.
The Building 6B SAF supports the animal research activities of three Institutes (NICHD, NEI, and NIAMS) in a restricted-access, disease-free rodent facility; it includes a room for cavefish.
The NIH Animal Center (NIHAC) SAF supports the animal research activities of the NICHD. This facility houses nonhuman primates. Animal holding areas include indoor housing and indoor/outdoor runs.
Suite 6C127 of the ACRF Animal Facility supports the animal research activities of the NICHD. The facility occupies 121 m2 (1,299 ft2) in Building 10 and has five animal rooms and two procedure rooms and provides care and housing for rodent and aquatic species. It is a restricted-access, conventional facility and is operated under contract.
The Building 6 Shared Zebrafish Facility (SZF) supports NICHD and NHGRI with 15,000 2-liter tanks; the total capacity of the SZF is approximately 330,000 zebrafish.
As part of the NIH, the RAMB participates in the formulation of policies and procedures that impact the care and use of laboratory animals throughout the country. In 2011, the RAMB led the effort for triennial re-certification by the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Care, International (AAALACi). The RAMB and various animal-user investigators have been active contributors to the NIH Animal Research Advisory Committee’s (ARAC) efforts to adopt the new “Guide to Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,” which is a primary-source set of guidelines used by the AAALACi and the NIH Office of Animal Welfare.
Additional Funding
- In addition to direct funding by the Intramural Research Programs of NICHD, the RAMB is also funded by facility users from other NIH Institutes and Centers.
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